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With AutoBlastSMS, you can make serious cash. It's very simple to do for the average marketer, and it's just within reach with a medium learning curve for the rest who are not marketers yet. The trick is having the right tools at your disposal. AutoBlastSMS messenger is the central tool you need as an affiliate SMS marketer for high or low ticket affiliate marketing.
How To Do It: How to make money with AutoBlastSMS:
First, you need to purchase AutoBlastSMS, or download a trial.Trials last either 10 uses or 30 days, whichever comes first.
Second, you need to setup your POP/SMTP email carrier under "Settings". Notice that this is much simpler than having to develop code for Twilio.
Thirdly, create a category or group from the main page. You can get ideas for what a group could be from the 3 website examples on the home page of this website. Also, create a subscriber key under "Settings"
Fourthly, Press the "Make Subscriber Code"
so that the lead capture form is created for you, with the groups or categories you created.Save this file as a PHP file.
Fifthly, Use an FTP (File Transfer Program) to transfer the lead capture form to your web server, where your webpage resides. Note: If your website doesn't accept php scripts, you can upload to a server that does, then create a website box in your website creation tool (i.e. wix), and point it to the location of your php lead capture file.
Sixthly, sign up for shareasale, clickbank,commission junction and other Affiliate networks. They will give you short URL codes that track your sales. Just put those in the "Templates" in AutoBlastSMS and select your target group and Fire Away at your warm client list. You can also buy pre-opted-in lists from other companies that sell phone and carrier lists of people who have already been opted-in, and add them to your client list.
You get paid each and every sale you generate by Group Messaging or "AutoBlasting" of the URL with your tracking code.
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